In the age of digital photos I don't have a lot of hard copies of my photography around the house. I just don't see the reason to get a bunch of prints made. The prints would just end up in a big box somewhere. Instead I make photo books that keep a record of important times.
I love to use
My Publisher.* I really like this company because the software is easy to use but very versatile. I have made several photo books with them already.
I just got my newest photo book from My Publisher a couple of weeks ago. The packaging is great and so exciting to open up.
The box left on my doorstep. |
The company. |
Inside! (I love the "ta-da") |
My newest book. |
I wrote about my honeymoon photo book
here, you can see some of the page layouts. But this time, I wanted to show you what a good job My Publisher does. They have a hotline in case you need it, and they have great customer service (but I have never had to use it because everything turned out great.) They even have a mailing list and often send out discount codes.
But enough gushing about My Publisher....on to the book I made.
The cover. |
The inside jacket sleeve. |
The photo book I chose came with a cover and a jacket sleeve. I got to design every aspect of the book, including the layout.
Above are a couple of the pages I made from photos I took. I loved visiting that castle you can read about it
That is me standing on my head on the boat. |
The back cover and the amazing glacier we saw. |
Now I have another photo book to add to my collection. I have a vision of having a bunch of these in the years to come, one for each big trip or event we have. They are really fun to make. Oh and the best part is that once you buy a book from My Publisher they keep a record of it online so you can always buy it again. Isn't that great?
My 3 photo books, the wedding, the honeymoon, and Alaska. |
I have some old fashioned photo albums as well but I'm not very good about putting photos in them. This system is much more fun.
How do you organize your photos from trips and events?
*My Publisher did not pay me or award me anything to say this, I just like them.
that book looks fabulous-i love that you even get to customize the sleeve. tell me more about this-i would like to do this with our vacations, but i really can't handle going through all the pics. ugh.