Monday, January 7, 2013

Top Ten Posts of 2012

Now that the Holidays are over, I can take a moment to look back at the past year.  I like to do this in January to remind myself that I have actually written some good posts, and made some good projects.

This list is a collection of both the most popular posts of 2012 and my personal favorite projects from the past year.  These posts are in no particular order.  Each heading (in light grey) is a link to the original post.

1. All Natural Eye Makeup Remover

I made this eye makeup remover out of oil, water, and a touch of natural liquid facial soap.  I love it, and I still use it.

2. White, Leather, Tufted Headboard

I made this headboard for my guestroom and I still love it.  I have requests from lots of family to make them one too.

3. I Love Olioboard

This post was quite a pleasant surprise.  I got a large influx of visits to this post.  I'm not sure how, but I do like the attention.

4. Stenciled Bathroom Wall

Stenciling this little bathroom wall was quite a bit of work, but I do love it.

5. DIY Wine Tote

This little bag took six hours to make, but I do love to use it.  Warning: you will buy more wine.  

6. Jolly Rancher Vodka

It was not only fun to make, and test, this vodka, but I still have some.  Yum.  I might expand this idea further in the next couple of months.

7. Date Jar

We now have many nights of dates for the hubby and I...if only we used this little Jar-of-fun more.

8.  DIY Wine Charms

I just used these charms for my New years Eve Party and they got lots of complements.  I can't wait to make more.

My jewelry display case is right next to my mirror in the bedroom.  I have worn much more of my jewelry now.  I also love how it looks.  

This little herb garden sits on my kitchen window sill.  I use the herbs and it is still doing well.  

Are there any posts you think I missed?  I tried to focus on the more crafty projects.  What do you think?  Was it a successful year in the world of crafts?