Thursday, November 3, 2011

More Crafts for the Craft Fair

I have been working in fits and spurts on crafts for the craft fair which I talked about here and here.  (In truth I wish I was making more, but I haven't).  I did have a big day of work last week when I made these.

Five iPod sleeves.

They will fit both the iPod 2 and the original iPod.

These cases are based on the tutorial I made here.  I really has some fun making these.  I did it assembly line style.

I got the idea for the flowers from Pinterest.  They had a great little image that gave me the perfect understanding of how to make them.  I can no longer find this pin, but it was quite simple, just four petals sewn together.

I left the majority of the sleeves without flowers (not everyone loves flowers, I know that).  The grey on grey ones are for more conservative consumers.  I already have a couple of people who are interested in buying these, so that is good.

I think these came out quite well, and I just wanted to show them off to all of you.  I have some more projects coming up for the craft fair on the 19th of November so be sure to check back periodically.  I will try to post more projects.

Tomorrow I am having new wood floors installed in my dining room.  I will post before and after pictures for you.  In truth I'm a bit nervous I won't like the new floor (who does not like the nice new floors?),   after the big online debate that was had on one of my previous posts I'm just not sure if I should have put a new floor in at all, but the wood has been bought and after tomorrow the new floor will be in so there is no going back.

What about you?  Have you ever made a decision and had trouble committing to it?  Am I the only person who is nervous about a new wood floor?  I want to know.

Where I party:
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

1 comment:

  1. They are cute! and definitely not too fuzzy. But, too time consuming :). I am lazy.


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