Sunday, February 27, 2011

Meet Rhea

Jeff and I picked up our "fur-baby" today.  
She is the sweetest little thing in the world.

Rhea's first hours were spent exploring the house, and our first hours with her were spent recording these explorations in photography (we have totally become overprotective parents already).

Here is her first day.
This is Jeff and Rhea right outside the SPCA.
See her way back in the shadows?  She's dark and she hides.
 At home she explored the office.

 Timidly went upstairs.
 Climbed around the kitchen (but we are training her not to go on the counters!)
behind the stereo...
and on top of my desk.

But by far the best shots we got were when Rhea was in the plants on the windowsill.

Our new little kitty also has some kind of strange relationship with the radiator in the living room. 

She's looking at the radiator here.
She spent most of the day crouching near the radiator watching...we are not sure what she was watching ... but she was watching it very intently. 

In the end she seemed to want to be near the radiator (guess we keep the heat too low for her) so we put her bed there.  Now she is sleeping peacefully.  Maybe she wasn't watching for something, maybe she was just cold. 
Good night my sweet.  This is the first night in your new home.


  1. this is so cute!! congratulations mom and dad

  2. Very cute! I love the expression on Jeff's face. Can't wait to meet her!

  3. oh my goodness, so cute! yay kitty adoption! our cat loooves the vent-she lays against it. i'm always afraid her fur will be to hot, but the boyfriend tells me if she's too hot, she'll move. i guess she will-but i'm a worrier!

  4. Awe, Chandeen - she is so precious! Congratulations kitty parents! I love her little face and curiosity. Lalka hid at first. We kept her in the bathroom until she got used to us and where the litter box was. It wasn't long before she took over the house. Thankfully she hasn't attempted the countertops in the weeks we've had her and she's learned to wait at the top of the basement steps and not to go down (it's dirty down there since it's storage for tools/etc. until the upstairs projects are done). I look forward to seeing her in your project photos. If she's like our little girl, she'll work her way into a few! lol

    I'm so happy for you!



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