Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Cat's Meow

Jeff and I were on the fence about this for a while, but we finally decided to get a cat.  We are so excited.  We went today to the ASPCA and found the sweetest most cuddly cat we could (we are a cuddly family so we had to have a cuddly cat).  She just curled up in my arms and went to sleep.  I was in love.  She liked Jeff too and I think he fell in love when she licked his head (I'm not sure why this made him happy but our little kitty knows how to win hearts).
Isn't the bed cute? I put her toy in there to keep her company.
In anticipation of this day we went shopping (it's our responsibilities as American citizens to help the economy, right?).  We totally spoiled this cat, and we were not even sure who we were getting.

Here's what we bought:
litter scoop
litter box
litter mat
water and food bowls
little food place mat
pet carrier (to get her home)
dangle toy 
lady bug wind up toy (because it was so cute)
kitty treats (two kinds)
scratcher (a medium one with a perch, but not bigger than us)
lots of the wrong kind of food (that we now have to return)
We went for the litter dome, I thought it looked nicer.
We waited until we met the cat to get the bed and the collar.  This surprised me, but the best place to find a bed, and the most selection was Homegoods, go figure. 
Jeff liked the stainless steel look.
Tomorrow we get to pick up our new little friend.  We decided to name her Rhea (pronounced Ray-ah).  

We can't wait!


  1. Awe! Congratulations! We're new parents of a kitty too (for about a month now). She's SO spoiled! lol I can't wait to "meet" your little one. She sounds adorable!



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