Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Garden in My Bathroom

It will be my birthday next week (actually a week from yesterday).  I'm kind of still a little kid when it comes to my birthday.  I get all excited and giddy.  I start thinking about the presents I'm going to get and the party I'm going to throw by mid January.  So my in-laws were right on track when they gave me a slew of gifts before my birthday (they were saving on shipping costs, but I just love it, it's like having Christmas every day in February).  One of the gifts they gave me was these glass ornaments I asked for.  
I just love them.  I found them from Martha (who else?).  These ones came from CB2 the big ones are actually candle holders, but I love the idea of putting my little no soil plants in them.
Jeff and I got these plants in Maine last summer, but we have trouble remembering to water them.  All they need is a little sprinkle and a deep soak once a week or something like that (see what I mean about not being good with watering them I don't even know when they need to be watered).  I figured: maybe if I put them in my shower the sprinkle from our showers and an occasional little splash will be all the water they need.
See the shampoo on the left...shower.  (I love that I have a window in my shower by the way.)
I'm going to have to see how that goes.  The woman who sold us the plants said they should flower.  I have seen my sister get them to flower too so I know it is possible, but so far in my plant explorations I have yet to get a flowering plant to actually produce the little gems.  I'll just cross my fingers and keep splashing my little no soil plants.   
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  1. YOU HAVE A WINDOW IN YOUR SHOWER!? ahhh jealous x100! Love the glass orbs and little plants! so chic!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  2. Now THAT is super elegant. Beautiful, I love it.


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