Monday, February 14, 2011

Better Than Pottery Barn

I love mirror windows.  I have had my eye on this mirror from Pottery Barn since I first spotted it.
The $699 price tag put this baby out of reach.  So I set my sights on something more attainable.  I figured if I could find an old window I could make it my own.  While my hubby and I were antiquing for a chandelier  I kept my eye out for a cheap old window.

I don't know how many of you have tried antiquing in New York but it is tough.  Everything is expensive.  Even old windows.  I could not find one for less than $150. That cost, on top of getting the mirrors for the window pains, cutting them to size, and painting the frame and we're looking at quite an expense.  

Just when I had given up my hubby's aunt offered us this WINDOW MIRROR she had not sold at a yard sale.  What luck!
I jumped at the offer.  I'm not sure if you can tell in this picture, but it had gold speckles.  I was not crazy about the speckles but knew a coat of paint would fix that right up. I don't think she realized I had been looking for one all summer.  The price tag said $5.00 and I offered to pay it, but she gave it to us for free (and some blankets so we wouldn't break it on the way home).  Even Jeff thought I was crazy and did not realize my obsession with the right window mirror.

Fast forward three months...

My mirror is done and I love it.  It's better than Pottery Barn (as the title suggests) because it's white, free, and a real window.  I'm so happy. I put it up in my stairwell.  The idea is that it will reflect the light from a big skylight over the stairs (you can see it in the first shot) and down into my living room and dining room (I have a very open floor plan)
I painted it white and added a touch of distressing with the highly recommended Distress Ink (I love that name)

Here is one more before and after so you can see how good it looks.
Now I can't wait to get a big painting on the other wall to balance the area out (I have my eye on one of my sister's paintings, it is nice to have a gifted artist as a sister).

The DIY Show Off



  1. It's beautiful! I love that PB mirror too but definitely not the price. I can't believe even old windows cost that much in NY. For that, you can drive to PA, grab one for $1 and drive back up and still have money left over. ;)

    It's all linked up. Thanks so much for sharing your creativity in the DIY Project Parade! It's nice to "meet" you!


  2. Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! I love that PB mirror too! I have a window frame that I have been thinking about putting a mirror in, but I just can't decide! I'm your newest follower!

  3. Hi Chandeen, Thanks for becoming a follower on my blog! I'm hosting a great giveaway--all you have to do to enter is stop by & leave a comment on the giveaway post. My fingers are crossed for you.

    Warmly, Michelle

  4. I have a thing for mirrors and love this one! I also love the price tag!!

  5. I loved that same Pottery barn mirror so we made a similar one and it still ended up costing $80. I can't believe you got one for FREE!! It turned out gorgeous! I love projects that I got a steal on!

  6. This is gorgeous & free on top of that!



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