Sunday, April 28, 2013

Big News!!!!

Infrequent blog posts, no craft projects, and just generally, nothing much on my end of the internet.  I have been a really crummy blogger.  I'm sorry, but I have a really good excuse.

I'm pregnant!!!!!!
I took three tests just to be sure.
Yup, preggers, knocked up, bun in the oven.  And I have to say, it has been rough.  People say you get tired when your pregnant, but I had no idea until it happened.  I'm not just tired, I'm done.  I can do nothing.  All I want to do is sleep and eat.  I actually called my midwife almost in tears because I was so tired I thought there was something wrong with me.  This is my first baby so everything is new.

It does not help that I work eight hours a day and spend another two driving to and from work.  That leaves very little time for cooking, cleaning, and shopping for groceries.  With the extra sleep time I need now, I just don't have the energy or time to craft and blog.

Anyway, I'm in the last week of my first trimester and I'm beginning to feel better.  As my midwife assured me, once I have a placenta it will help me do some of the work.  I'm counting on that.

So, on to the fun stuff.

The week I found out I took this picture:
March 23, 2013

One month later I took this one.

April 20, 2013
I'm not sure if there really is a difference.  Can you tell?

In an attempt to anticipate any questions you may have, here is my info.

I'm due on November 16, (my mother's birthday!).
I'm not going to find out the sex.
I'm planning a home birth (and very excited about it).
I have had so many crazy food cravings.  Mexican is out (most of the time) and cheese is in.  Indian is really the only kind of food I want to eat, and for desert ... rhubarb pie lots and lots of rhubarb pie.  I even froze some rhubarb in case I need some later in the summer (do you know how hard it is to find rhubarb?  It's here for a week and then it's gone.)

I would love to hear your stories about pregnancy.  The more I know the better.  So lay it on me.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Quick Table Runner

I had some friends over for dinner a couple of weeks ago and right before they came over I decided to make this table runner.

I got this fabric before we moved into this house in 2010.  Jeff and I saw it in Millerton near our old house.  As soon as I found it I knew I wanted it.  But the fabric was $50 a yard!!!!  I know that is nuts, but the fabric is just so nice.

With a  yard and half in hand I asked Jeff's very talented grandmother to help me make cushions   We bonded.  It was nice.

I had a bit of fabric left and had plans to me a table runner, but never got up the nerve.  With fabric so expensive it was hard for me to cut it.

In the end, I did cut the fabric and I did make the table runner.  I learned one quick tip.  Don't forget to match up the designs on the fabric before you cut up the fabric.  I lost a couple of inches along each end because I forgot that I had to line up the design.  Instead of twelve inches in width they came out more at ten or eleven, but I really like that the two extra pieces on each end are properly lined so that the design runs correctly.  (I might be a bit nuts about that?  I'm really not sure.) If you look closely you can see the seam in the picture above.

I think the way the dining room looks with my new table runner.  I wish I could have used this fabric for the curtains (and maybe not the runner, I don't want it too matchy-matchy).  I'm still on the lookout for a good patterned fabric for the curtains.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Finally Fixed My Bottles

In the old days  of my blog writing (2011, wow that was a long time ago) I made these jars.  You really should take a look at that old post.  The process was quite complicated and long, but I really liked how they turned out.  The problem was that I could not write on the jars because the regular chalk would just scratch off the paint.

Well, with my new chalk pen, I can now write on my jars with ease.  I'm so excited and glad that I kept a few.  I had five originally  but I guess I got rid of two because I can only find three now.
{I didn't have time to write anything on the bottles before I took this shot,
but you can use your imagination}
I love them.  I may have to make more.