Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Failed Shoe DIY

I found the perfect pair of shoes at Marshall's a couple of weeks ago.  But, alas, they did not come in my size.  I needed a 6 1/2 or 7 and could only find a 6.  So I bought them anyway hoping I could stretch them out and MAKE them fit.

I read online that you can use water and your freezer to stretch out your shoes.  So try I did.  I put some water in some plastic baggies and put them in the shoes.  I then put my beloved shoes in the freezer overnight, twice.

But, it did not work.  My feet hurt just trying to get them on.  I felt like Cinderella's step-sisters.  I was almost ready to cut my toe off (but I already have a prince thankfully for my toe).

In the end I had to return them.  Good bye my lovelies.  I will miss you.

Moral of the story: go to Marshall's more often.

1 comment:

  1. That’s a good idea, but if they are not leather there isn’t much chance for a stretch. With leather shoes, try spraying them with rubbing alcohol just on the inside (test a patch first because it can affect the dye), then put on some socks and squeeze in there for half an hour. The ice might have the same effect as your foot for that function. The alcohol relaxes the leather and your foot creates pressure.


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