Thursday, January 12, 2012

5 Crafts I Want to Try

I have an active Pinterest addiction, as I wrote about here.  But in truth, sometimes I feel that I am a lot more popular on Pinterest than I am on my blog.  (In truth, I have three more followers on my blog than Pinterest.)  

One of my biggest boards is my board titled "Crafts".  When I see something I like that I feel I can do myself I pin it to this board.  There are 273 pins on this board.

So I thought I better take a look at my Pinterest board and see what projects I really want to try.  Of all those pins there are five that really speak to me (I also found one project I want to make for my hubby, but I don't want to tell).

Funny side note: four of my five favorite pins are orange (guess I still love that color).

1. I-Pod charger out of used bottle.

This is the best idea I have ever seen.  Back before I lost my wall charger, I always had my phone charging on the floor near an outlet.  This solves that problem.  I don't use Johnson's baby lotion, but maybe my sister-in-law will save me her jars.  I can't wait to try this!

2. Cool sweater out of an old sweatshirt.

The link above is to an etsy site, so you can just go buy this, but I want to figure out how to make it.  I'm not sure if I can really make this myself just from this picture, but maybe my good friend who is a great seamstress will give me a little help (when she gets back from Brazil that is).

3. Bifold Wallet

I had a lot of success (at least for Christmas gifts) with my gift card wallets, now I want to try this real wallet.  it looks like a lot of work, but I may just try it this year.

4. Clementine Candle

I just love this.  After reading the blog post, I see this is from a clementine!!!  Who knew?  I just can't wait to try this.

5. Stamp Mailing Label

This is a really cute and simple idea.  I would love to use this for Christmas cards next year.

There you have it.  My five favorite crafts from my own craft board on Pinterest.  I really like that I went back through my board and found the pins I wanted to try.  There are a bunch more I still want but this is a good list to start with.  Now for my food board (you know, I realized I have a lot more deserts than anything).

Have you looked back at your Pinterest boards to decide how to use them?  Do you even have a Pinterest account?  (If you want an invite just let me know I will be happy to sign you up.)   


  1. I'm another Pinterest addict! I'm working my way through the pins. It's mostly recipes that I've worked on. Love yours! ~ Maureen

  2. I use Pitnerest all the time! It's my absolute favorite bookmarking/inspiration/etc site. I just followed you over there!

  3. I agree pinterest is too much fun. Those are really cute projects, I really like the sweatshirt turned sweater.


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