Monday, December 19, 2011

One Week 'Till Christmas (a little late)

I'm so excited for Christmas.  I love the whole thing.  The lights, the tree, the food, and of course we can not forget the presents.  This year it took us a while but we got our tree and I got the house all decorated.

I was out of the country last year for Christmas doing research for my Master's thesis so this will be the first time we celebrate Christmas in the new house.  I made Jeff get a huge tree

I like to decorate the tree in red and gold.  This year we got the star for the top.  I love to put a star on the top of the tree because it seems fitting for Christmas.  We are not big on the religious aspect of Christmas (I was raised a Buddhist) but I do think that when we celebrate what is for me a celebration of light in the darkest time of the year, a star is fitting.  

Besides the glass and what Target calls "shatterproof" balls (meaning they were not glass) we have a few very special ornaments.

I got these large angels at a yard sale in the middle of the summer.  I got four of them and they always make me so happy when I see them.

I have a little thing for angels in crescent moons (it is a long story).

I got this star at a craft fair.  I love how it shines in the Christmas lights.

My sister-in-law made this one for me.  I don't have a lot of things with my name on it (it is not like you will find one in the nearest Hallmark Store).  I love this little snow man.

This one is my very favorite one.  This was another gift form the sister and brother-in-law.  We got it the first year we married.  I keep it on the top of the tree so it does not get broken.

This year we got stockings.  Again they are embroidered.  I just love the special place for our names.  Pottery Barn had a sale so they were not even too expensive.

I also decorated the banister with ornaments.

So that is my house for the holidays.  I will leave you with one last picture.

What do you do for the holidays?


  1. oh man, i cracked up when you said it isn't like you'd find an ornament with your name on it. i suppose you are right about that. and i love the ornaments along the stairs, but that would NOT fly with my cat, lol.


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