Saturday, December 10, 2011

An Easy Way to Give Thanks

As you know I hosted Thanksgiving this year.  Included in my decorations I made this little project to get people thinking about what they were thankful for.

I asked my guests to write on the origami paper what they were thankful for and then to roll it up and put it in the bowl.  At the end of the evening we all took turns opening the rolled notes to read what we were all thankful for.  It was a nice way to end the evening.

This project took so little time.  I bought the paper already cut small, cut a few strips of ribbon to tie the rolls and provided the pens and bowl.  The rest was up to the guests.

We usually just go around the table and list things we are thankful for, but this way people could list more than one thing if they wanted.  My father-in-law had many reasons to be thankful this year and helped me fill up the bowl.

Overall, this was a successful little project and something you may want to try next year.

How do you give thanks on Thanksgiving? 


  1. I really like that would be fun to keep them until next Thanksdgiving and read they to your guest again.


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