Tuesday, September 27, 2011

One Small Step for Chance....

... but no giant leaps just yet.

I had an interview today for a substituting job.  For anyone that does not know I am unemployed and looking for a teaching job.  I started looking for work late this year and I just want to find a full time teaching position.  So now I don't have a full time teaching job, I don't have my own classroom but at least I will be in a school and working toward a teaching independently.

The best part about my interview today was that the principal basically asked me why I didn't have job already.  He was shocked that I did not have a job.  His first comment was "You have a Master's Degree from Sarah Lawrence?"  "What are you doing now?"

I have to say it was a real compliment.  He then told me to give him copies of all my materials to keep on file in case a place opened up in the school district.  I was so touched by his kind words.  It gave me the little boost I needed.

I know there are a lot of unemployed people out there, but if you aren't in this situation you don't know what it is like.  Sending out your resume hoping someone will notice your qualifications.  In truth, searching for work is hard work.  What I realized from this interview is that sometimes I just have to keep plugging and maybe something will come through.  I am a good candidate and I will get the right job in time.

Recently, Jeff and I almost made a very big decision but after some serious soul searching and my great interview today I think we came up with the right game plan.  We will have to see how it works out, but it feels right.

Do you have that?  Moments when you just don't know what is right?  How do you resolve these moments?


  1. it really stinks that you are in this sort of limbo, but you're right, what a fabulous boost of confidence from the principal. and what is this big decision you were alluding to?

  2. My entire month of September has been one of those moments. Im not really sure what I did to resolve it all, of course my circumstances were a bit different than yours, but none the less it was one of those 'don't know what is right' type of deals. I guess I soul search. I look deep within myself and really think of how I truly feel about the situation... in the end I come out with a bit less stress and a more positive outlook. It's good to talk to myself every once in awhile :)

    Yay on the comments from the principal, that's awesome!


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