Monday, September 5, 2011

GIVEAWAY: My Memories Software

I was contacted by the great team over at My Memories and they have given me the opportunity to host a giveaway for all of you!!!.

I have looked over the site (because I would not promote a site I don't like) and have found that this site is pretty cool.  My memories offers digital scrap-booking software for you to make your own books and digital scrapbook pages.  I just love the templates they offer.  There are lots of options to chose from.

What I love about My memories is that they have really tasteful templates.  For example they have a whole bunch of new faerie templates that just would be perfect for a little girl or boy.

Aren't these just adorable?
I also love that they have all these different themes you can chose from.  for example, when I got to the Caribeen this winter I can make a mouse pad for the tropics.  That way I can take a little bit of the vacation with me (and I don't have to buy any silly souvenirs I hate later)

Either of these would make a great mouse pad with pictures inserted.  Might be a nice gift for the grandparents (if you have children) too.

This software is also great because you cane add or take away any of the elements of the design, and really make it your own.  I love the flexibility you can have for this.

The other great thing about my memories is that you can make calendars, books and mouse pads and more. You could get really creative with this.

If I had the time I would make a book for a beach vacation from my trip to Maine last year.  This is the pages I would use.  I started this book, but have yet to finish it (I roll like that sometimes).

For my own project I made a simple one page design.

I then framed it and now I have a nice little shot for my mantle (or sideboard as it is).

Now for what you probably scrolled down to see: the giveaway info.

You could win one free software kit (a $40 value)!!!!
The program is everything you need to get started and make great projects.

Before you do anything else you must be a friend.  If you are not then your entries will be removed.

For your first entry: Go to My Memories and leave a comment telling me which templates you like best.

For extra entries you can do any of the followings

1. Like my memories on facebook (one extra entry) then leave a comment telling me.
2. Blog or tweet about the giveaway (one extra entry, use my links I like them :P) then leave a comment telling me.
3. Post to facebook (you can use the links in the corner to send a quick update) the giveaway (one extra entry) then leave a comment telling me.

If you don't win, or you already have the software kit then all you need to do is enter this code to get a $10 discount on the purchase of the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software and a $10 coupon for the store - $20 value!.  So be sure to enter the code: MMS4Blog (at least I think that is the code, let me know if I'm wrong)

Good luck everyone.  I wish I could give something to each and every one of you.  I love my blog readers..Deadline is one week from Today, September 13, 2011.

Where I party!

Sumo's Sweet StuffKeeping It Simple
Confessions of a Stay At Home Mommy


  1. for one entry, I liked them on FB

  2. I have 2 sweet grand-toddlers and take lots of pictures, but I am not very good. Maybe this software would improve them.
    thank you for hosting.


    here's my post about it!

  4. i like the pretty in pink collection, reminds me of my daughter!


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