Friday, May 6, 2011

Mother's Day!

It just occurred to me today that I have missed my chance to send my mom a Mother's Day card this year (Mom, if you are reading this I'm so, so, so, sorry!).  My mom lives in Australia, and I live in NY (USA) so I have to do this stuff a good ten days early if I want to get it there on time.  As of right now, I have less than three days. (In my defense, I am working on my thesis still, as you know from my inconsistent blogging patterns this month)

Instead I found this great site, actually they found me.  Real Simple has a e-card site where you can make your own card, write your own message, and even upload a picture.  It is super easy and super quick.  And FREE! Yay, love that. 

You can customize the cards in many ways.  I even used one of the quotes they offered too!

For Mother's day they have patterns, and florals.

You can add your own message, quote or whatnot, but don't worry because they give you tons more space at the end for something personal.  You can change the font and color on the right.

You can even add your own envelope and seal.  I love that.

There you have a great E-card, and you don't have to search through all the millions of cheesy ones on the web.  (No, Mom, this is not the one I made for you, you will have to wait for Mother's Day for that one :))

Oh, I almost forgot, the best part is that you don't have to remember when to send it, because you can schedule it for any day you want. 

In case you didn't catch it the first time, to make your own E-card go HERE!!!

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