Monday, April 18, 2011

Wasted Day

I drove two hours both ways to school today only to realize that I did not look at my syllabus and see class was cancelled for Passover.  I feel like a complete idiot. 

Needless-to-say I don't have any crafts for you today BUT I do have some crafts that are almost done.  I should have a couple to show off beginning Wednesday. 

I feel like I am the only person, besides my mother,  who makes mistakes like this.  When my mom did silly things like drive to an appointment a week early I would roll my eyes and think "how could she do that?"  Now, I'm doing it myself.  The truth is I don't know how I could drive all the way to school without being sure about my class.  I can only say that I made a mistake.

My father was always telling me that I had to be more aware of my actions.  This is one of those moments I realize that once again he was right.

Do any of you ever make mistakes like that?  Please tell me I'm not alone!  :)


  1. my mom is like your mom, went to an appointment either days earlier or wrong dates and times as for me, i'm very forgetful and someone told me along time ago to keep a diary to write down anything from appointments to cancellations etc so i wont forget but sometime i even forget writing it down! cant wait to see your crafts' post. Thanks for visiting my blog :)

  2. Do I make mistakes? All the time! LOL. Last week I reminded my husband he had a denist appointment after his paper work all ready etc...only to find out his appointment was this week, not last week.

    Chandeen, what lavender oil did you use for your lavender laundry recipe? Are you still liking the homemade recipe? I am holding off a little in actually making it, because I have about three huge bottles of my laundry detergent to use up. I think I will actually use some special quart canning jars instead of buying a big jar to store mine in.

  3. I do stuff like this all the time...but usually without the 4 hours of needless driving. I've forgotten my computer at home twice in the past two weeks. It's really hard (read: impossible) to do work without it!


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