Saturday, April 9, 2011

Foiled by Nature

I had a great plan.  I bough a bunch of bulbs.  I planted them and had them in the refrigerator for weeks.  Then I brought the bulbs out and they started to grow, but they grew too fast.  My plan to give blooming bulbs for Easter was great, except nature did not work with me.  I went into my guest room and found this:

Beautiful...but too EARLY for Easter.  I may have to come up with something new (I will have to think about it).

I can't give my flowers to family at Easter, but my friend is comming over, so I will give at least one to her. 

I picked the biggest one, and wrapped a bow on it, and viola, a little present because I care.

I wonder what to do with the rest of them? 

1 comment:

  1. Chandeen,

    Just a thought...since you seem to be an excellant photographer, perhaps you can take some pictures of the tulips in the pots, then print them, mat them with some inexpensive scrapbooking papers and then frame them. Give the framed pictures as your gift. You can find frames at the Goodwill stores. Maybe even paint the frames.

    You can save your bulbs and replant them again next year!


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