Tuesday, March 8, 2011

On What Baskets Can Do # 2

***I want to send a big THANK YOU to all my new followers!  You have no idea how wonderful, how great it feels to get so much support and so many kind comments.  You guys are the best.***

We have a pretty tight budget in this house.  We're on one income and we have school loans, so Jeff was pretty surprised when I asked if we could incorporate a "basket" line in our budget.  Meaning, I wanted to set aside some money each month just for baskets.  His response was to post it on Facebook and tease me with his friends.  I never did get the basket line in our budget.

Instead I bought baskets with my birthday money.  Michael's was having a sale so I got these babies at 50% off. 

Baskets make me happy and make my home easier to use.

Here's what I did:

I don't have much to put in these baskets yet, but I will find stuff.  I'm contemplating putting some of my "dedicates"  or scarves because I have limited drawer space. 
Rhea found her way into this one.  (She's a cat after my own heart, still sleeping at noon.)

At lest one corner of my bedroom is a little more organized. 


  1. I NEED TO DO THIS. I have a closet in our spare bedroom that is totally storage.... PILES of storage! How cute! I feel like I will be organizing my life for the REST of my life :)

    -Jess @ Our Side Of Paradise

  2. I am so impressed! One because you wanted to budget for baskets, I need that kind of self control (sorry your hubby teased you, I think it's awesome!)
    Two. that you found the very perfect sized baskets for your space. Nice job :)

  3. I think you are just trying to guilt trip me into adding that basket line to the budget!

  4. Jeff- you know hun, a basket budget line just means we won't go over budget when I want baskets. You know it is a good idea :P


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