Thursday, March 3, 2011

Book Review #1


I have decided I will write periodic book reviews for the novels I read. One thing about me is that I love to read. As a child I was called a book worm, and my husband and I own hundreds of books. I am always reading a book, if ever I get caught between books I get a little nervous. To prevent that from happening I tend to stock up on books I have not read.

I just finished reading The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Strieg Larsson.  Although I am usually a staunch sci-fie reader, I have read so much that sometimes I have to look outside my genre for new books.  I chose this book because it was recommended to me by my father before he died.  I feel closer to him when I read books I know he read.  However, my dad actually didn't like it that much.  The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is actually a mystery about a girl who has gone missing (not the one with the tattoo) over thirty years earlier.  I'm not a fan of mysteries because I couldn't be bothered to try to keep track of all the characters and figure out what happened, but I did enjoy this book.  I let the story unravel and was satisfied with the conclusion (all except the last sentence which was pretty horrible and seemed manipulative).  

Larson is a good storyteller and can easily draw the reader into the story.  He intertwines various story lines in the book quite well, with at least one exciting plot thread at a time.  This book was also an easy read.

In general, for a genre that does not do much for me, this was an enjoyable book to read.  The last third of the book is quite a cliff-hanger so don't read it at night if you want to get any sleep (one night I stayed up until 4 A.M. reading it)

I'm not sure if anyone is interested in my little book reviews so please let me know if this was helpful to you at all.

***I was not paid for this review or any future purchases of this book through amazon.  I just want to help others find good books.***

Also- I want to give a shout out to my classmates in the Sarah Lawrence Women's History graduate program who started the blog Re/Visions, they have a fabulous article analyzing gender norms on the show What not to Wear.  Its a great way to look at that show (which I never really liked, anyway, but feel compelled to watch if I see it on).  This blog is a step away from the normal home blog I read, but it keeps my mind active (in a feminist sort of way, home blogs keep me thinking too, but more about how to paint my bathroom).   If you dig you might find some articles I have written on Re/Visions as well.  :) 


  1. AHHHH!! You are my 100th FOLLOWER! You are amazing and I'm honored to that you think my blog is worth reading! I'm your newest follower and I can't wait until you hit 100 too!

    Thank you for the book review! I bought this book about a month ago when it was on sale but I haven't even opened it yet! Your review has definitely peaked my interest!

  2. okay you have to read the next 2 books in the series. 'The girl who played with Fire' and 'The girl who kicked the hornets nest'. these complete the story and bring it to a much deserved ending. Last year I spent a few weeks reading all three and yesterday I watched the two movies. the third has just been released. However read the books first before you se the movies. Steig Larsson was a wonderful writer, the books are a worthy read

  3. Thanks mom! Maybe I will read the other two.


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