Saturday, November 20, 2010

Deck the ... Centerpiece?

Today I made this little holiday centerpiece.  I won't be around for the holidays, which is why I don't really launch my blog until I get back, but I thought I would share this one since it is time sensitive. 

I'm just starting out with the holiday decorations.  I have been renting for my entire adult life, and have only had a tree for a couple of years.  I'm very disapointed I don't get to go full out with the decorations this year, because I just moved into my own home and would love to decorate for the holidays. If I had it my way, and I was around, I would deck the halls!  Wreaths, bows of holly, a big tree, and all the baking I could stand.

I want the outside to look like this:

... and my interior to look like this:

All pictures above are from Martha Stewart's website. (Thanks Martha!)
Except with more green.

BUT, all I get is this little table centerpiece, so here it is.

The centerpiece as I designed it
 Here are some other shots.  I am still learning to use my camera, so I'm sorry if these seem strange.  Some are very dark.  I guess I'm just a night girl. 
Do you see me with my camera?

This one has some mood lighting with our wonderful light dimmers.
I love the color of these last two.  
And just for a little dose of nostlaga, here is my tree from last year.  You can tell that my apartment was very small.  Once again, mood lighting, I don't know what is up with me and my dark pictures.  I guess I just hate the flash.  I once worked for a photographer and she could spend hours doing the lighting, it is very important.  I will have to work on that.  
Do you see some of the same ornaments?
Now, I know avid blog readers like to see the cost break down of the project so here it is.

Bulbs...bought at Target about three years ago... this year Free (I spent $7.98 originally)
Glass bowls and vase... Free (I got them for wedding presents)
Small glass candy tray...Free (I bought it when I was about 10 at a flea market)
Pearls... Free (a fake strand I had)
Little sparkly snow flake pin (I'm not sure if you can see it in the photos, but I included a pin I had) ... Free

Grand total...Nothing, I got everything from shopping my house, as Jen from IHeart Organizing calls it.

Happy Holidays everyone.  See you in the new year.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Creating this Blog

I am currently working on this blog.  New posts will begin in the new year.  Please be patient.