Monday, April 9, 2012

Photo A Day: Week One

I have decided to participate in the photo a day challenge for April.  Each week I will post the six pictures for that week and on the last week I will link up all the previous weeks.  I'm also working on my photography skills so these pictures are all taken with the semi manual settings (I'm not ready for full manual yet).

I hope you like my photos.  Each day has a different theme so I will list those under each shot.

I hope to keep the writing down to a minimum on these posts and just give you the shots.

1. Your Reflection
2. Color
3. Mail
4. Somebody Who Makes You Happy
5. Tiny
6. Lunch
7. Shadow

And there you have my first seven photos.  What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. i always think these photo challenges are cool. great job on your first week of photos. can't wait to see the rest!


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